History UPSC

 History Tricks to remember for UPSC EXAMS

The Entire Ancient History is Divided into 8 Ages:

1. Pre Historic Culture-upto 2500 Bc

2. Indus valley Civ-2500bc-1500BC

3.Vedic/Arya n Cliviliilizationzation-1500BC-600BC

4. Pre-Mauryan Age-600BC-300BC

5. Mauryan Age-300BC-200BC

6. Post Mauryan Age-200BC-300AD

7. Guptan Age-300AD-550AD

8. Post Guptan Age-550AD-750 AD.

Pre Historic Culture;

Trick: Pakistan MNC:

Pak Means Paleolithic

M: M-Mesolithic age

N:Neolithic age

C: Chalcolithic age

a) Paleolithic age/Stone Age  Keywords: 

 Pathar stone(Made of Quartz), Pallavarama(madras),Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka, Ostrich shell(food hunter),tools(hand axes,blades,flakes,scrappers,choppers)

b)Mesolithic Age/Middle Age Keywords:

Marco lithic tools, Madhya Pradesh, Homosapiens(thinking man), world's first pottery found, First House is constructed, Rock painting (@Bimbidka caves  First heritage center).

c)Neolithic Age/New Age Keywords:

Agriculture developed(Wheat, Barley, cotton), located at Mehergarh in pak, first potter wheel found. Radiocarbon dating method,C14 Method for organic material,

d)Chalcolithic Age/Copper Age Keywords:

Cu, Bronze, and Iron were found, as Pottery with Black and Red, Mother goddess, Worshipped the Bull, and Hand axes made of stone and copper.

